Rain Sensor Tape

About this product

The Toyota Rain Sensor Tape (#89944-WB002), a crucial component of the Windshield Wiper system, plays an essential role in enhancing visibility during inclement weather. It functions by detecting moisture on the windshield and activating the wipers automatically, offering the driver an uninterrupted view of the road. This part relies on electric signals to function properly, and over time, it may wear down or become clogged, impacting its sensitivity to rainfall and snowfall. A non-functional rain sensor risks visibility and safety, making its periodic replacement necessary. Using genuine Toyota parts, like Rain Sensor Tape (#89944-WB002), offers compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, Rain Sensor Tape (#89944-WB002)'s role in the Windshield Wiper system directly impacts driver's safety and overall vehicle efficiency, especially during adverse weather conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89944-WB002

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