Electrical Key & Tire Pressure Monitoring System Receiver Assembly

About this product

The Electrical Key & Tire Pressure Monitoring System Receiver Assembly (#897B0-42300) is an essential component within the Tire Pressure Warning System. It plays a critical role in receiving signals from the tire pressure sensors, thereby monitoring the tire pressure in real-time. Authentic Toyota parts like this one work optimally since they match perfectly with Toyota vehicles. The assembly should be replaced periodically as a non-functional part may fail to detect abnormal tire pressure, causing safety hazards. If left unchecked, this could lead to tire blowouts or loss of vehicle control. Genuine Toyota parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind. The function of this Electrical Key & Tire Pressure Monitoring System Receiver Assembly (#897B0-42300) significantly contributes to maintaining the correct tire pressure which enhances fuel efficiency and safety. It also aids the Electrical Key system, adding convenience for the driver.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 897B0-42090
Part Number 897B0-42300

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