FC Control Computer Bracket #2

About this product

The FC Control Computer Bracket #2 (#898A8-62010), a critical electrical part in Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a vital role in holding the fuel cell (FC) control computer firmly in place. This function is crucial as the FC control computer is responsible for managing the fuel cell system’s overall operation, including its startup, shutdown, and power control. Over time, this bracket may weaken or become damaged, negatively impacting the stability of the FC control computer. A defective bracket could lead to inefficiencies in the fuel cell system or even damage to the FC control computer itself. Therefore, it is essential to periodically replace this part with a genuine Toyota part, which is fully compatible with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the FC Control Computer Bracket #2 (#898A8-62010) significantly contributes to the vehicle's safety and efficiency by ensuring the optimal operational condition of the fuel cell system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 898A8-62010

Core Charge

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