Indoor Electrical Key Antenna

About this product

The Indoor Electrical Key Antenna (#899A1-08010), a part of Toyota's Wireless Door Lock system, is crucial to the system's function. This electrical component communicates with the key fob to lock or unlock the car doors, ensuring secure and seamless access. The antenna receives signals from the key, processing them to enable door operations. Over time, this part may wear out or become damaged, potentially impeding the wireless communication between the key and the vehicle. Employing genuine Toyota parts can maintain vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing the antenna when needed can prevent inconvenient or unsafe scenarios like inability to access the vehicle or unauthorized access. Thus, the Indoor Electrical Key Antenna (#899A1-08010) plays a key role in the overall security and efficiency of your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 899A1-08010

Core Charge

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